and Thought among the Greeks is Jean-Pierre Vernant’s
magisterial first entry upon the scene of classical studies.
As fresh and challenging as it was when first published
in 1965, this
new edition of his eighteen essays, which includes two previously
untranslated chapters, will provide the English-speaking world
with a long-overdue edition. As the very words of the title
announce, two major themes run throughout this pathbreaking
study. On the one hand, ‘myth’
and ‘thought’ suggest a certain transition from the
mythic to the rational, from the fabulous to the philosophical,
as an intellectual sea change that occurred within the social
and political context of the Greek city-state. On the other hand, ‘myth’
and ‘thought’ also gesture to Vernant’s insistence
on the legibility of mythic thinking and ritual practices as revealing
categories of thought that yield their own logic. Hence, to understand
mental categories we take for granted as our own, such as time,
space, memory, work, craft, art, and even the idea of the person,
requires acts of decipherment through the language, the ‘codes,’
of myth. The excitement of these essays lies in a virtuoso handling
of data of every sort — archaeology, history, literature,
and iconography — and the complex web of associations that
emerge from these interdisciplinary investigations, all presented
in lucid, readable prose. Myth and Thought has much to offer
the specialist and nonspecialist alike, and to those not already
familiar with Vernant’s work, the promise of much more
in store.”
— Froma Zeitlin, Charles Ewing Professor of Greek Language
and Literature and Professor of Comparative Literature at Princeton
University Also by this author:
Myth and Society in Ancient Greece Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece