This book
by the legendary Situationist activist and author of The Revolution
of Everyday Life is a fiercely partisan historical reflection
on the ways religious and economic forces have shaped Western culture.
Within this broad frame, Raoul Vaneigem examines the heretical and
millenarian movements that challenged social and ecclesiastical
authority in Europe from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century.
Although he discusses a number of different groups, such as the
Cathars and the Joachimite millenarians, his main emphasis is on
the various manifestations of the movement of the Free Spirit in
northern Europe. At the core of these heresies, Vaneigem sees not
only resistance to the power of state and church but also the immensely
creative invention of new forms of love, sexuality, community, and
exchange. Vaneigem vividly portrays the radical opposition presented
by these movements to the imperatives of an emerging market-based
economy, and he evokes crucial historical parallels with other anti-systemic
rebellions throughout the history of the West. The book is especially
valuable for its translations of original texts and source materials.
“The most striking aspect of Vaneigem’s compendium
of Free Spirit lore is his ability to release the material into
the present, to allow it to communicate on the same level of extremism
and disruption as it did in the Middle Ages. Again and again, confronted
with the likes of Margaret Porete’s ecstatic revisioning of
being or John Hartmann’s coolly absolutist gnosis, you can
almost feel the whole great edifice of social order — their
church, our capitalist democracy — gather itself up, take
a deep breath, and run.”
— Greil Marcus, author of Lipstick Traces