What remains
of moral judgment when truth itself is mistrusted, when the validity
of every belief system depends on its context, when power and knowledge
are inextricably entangled? Is a viable moral theory still possible
in the wake of the postmodern criticism of modern philosophy? The
Order of Evils responds directly to these questions and dilemmas
with one simple and brilliant change of focus. Rather than concentrating
on the age-old themes of justice and freedom, Adi Ophir offers a
moral theory that foregrounds the existential and political nature
of Evil. Ophir’s main contention is that evil is neither a
diabolical element residing in the hearts of men nor a meaningless
absence of the good. Rather, it is the socially structured order
of “superfluous evils.” Evils, like pain, suffering,
loss, and humiliation, are superfluous when they could have —
but have not — been prevented. Through close analysis of seminal
works by modern and postmodern philosophers — from Rousseau,
Kant, Marx, Sartre, and Arendt to Foucault, Lévinas, Derrida,
and Lyotard — Ophir forges a new perspective for thinking
about what it means to be a moral being; to be moral, he argues,
is to care for others and to be committed to preventing, at all
costs, their suffering and distress.
A theoretically sophisticated work, The Order of Evils
also bears the traces of Ophir’s own political and personal
experiences as an Israeli philosopher and activist. Two major events
in recent Jewish history have profoundly influenced his thinking:
the Holocaust and the prolonged Israeli domination of Palestinians
in the occupied territories, both of which are interpreted within
the author’s moral framework as systematic productions of
evils. Ophir does not compare the two events. Instead, he introduces
a typology of disasters that allows them to be located within the
wide spectrum of human-generated calamities whose specificity and
general patterns emerge clearly and distinctly as what they are
and are not.
“Ophir presents a well-argued alternative to other philosophical
outlooks that ground moral life on basic concepts such as rights,
duties or pleasure. A sophisticated phenomological account of the
superfluous evil, The Order of Evils explores both the
ontology of evil and its social and experiential structure. This
is the most sustained and brilliant philosophical discussion of
evil I have ever read.”
— Moshe Halbertal, co-author of Idolatry
“I have rarely read a text so precise, methodical, and moving
as this sustained reflection on suffering, social oppression, and
philosophical critique. If we yearn to know what philosophy can
become when it reflects upon the historical conditions of its own
making, thematizing an unspoken violence presupposed by its own
location, we have in Ophir’s book a truly brilliant example.
The Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands produces a relentless
situation for critical reflection for this intellectual inquiry,
producing a profound and systematic reflection on the ethical exigencies
of critical thought. Ophir’s lucid and systematic meditation
on suffering constitutes a model for responsible intellectual work
in our times.”
— Judith Butler, author of Precarious Life: Powers of
Violence and Mourning
See also:
The Power of Inclusive Exclusion: Anatomy of Israeli Rule in the Occupied Palestinian Territories