In 1994,
an interim government in Rwanda orchestrated one of the world’s
worst mass crimes: a hundred-day extermination campaign that took
half a million lives. At the time, Rwanda’s genocide went
largely unnoticed by the outside world. Today there is growing interest
in Rwanda, as many discover the horror that took place and seek
to understand how and why violence of this character and magnitude
could have happened in our time.
Intimate Enemy is a rare entrée into the logic,
language, and imagery of Rwanda’s violence. The book presents
perpetrator testimony and photographs of both perpetrators and
survivors. The images and words are raw and unanalyzed, leaving
the reader to make sense of the killers and their would-be
Intimate Enemy challenges our assumptions about the genocide
and those who perpetrated it. The book also prods us to consider
how to represent and imagine violence on the scale of Rwanda’s.
“Though it names the most monstrous of crimes, genocide appears
a damnably abstract word, veiling humanity in the cold accretion
of numbers. To most, ‘Rwanda’ means hundreds of thousands
killed in a hundred days. Intimate Enemy, by its photographs and
words, its faces and voices, begins to restore what is too often
missing in accounts of this unimaginable crime: the terrible intimacy
of felt life.”
— Mark Danner, author of Torture and Truth: America, Abu
Ghraib, and the War on Terror
“It would be appalling to think that the hundreds of thousands
of Rwandan Hutu who participated in the 1994 genocide were all either
evil or psychotic. But it’s even more shocking to learn the
real lesson of this riveting book: that most of them were completely
ordinary men, who went along with the killings for the most mundane
of reasons — conformity, grudges, small loot, indifference,
ennui. It’s impossible to read the text and view the photos
and not think: ‘There but for the grace of god go I.’
This publication is a major contribution both to the study of the
Rwandan genocide and to the larger study of human nature under pressure.”
— Gerald Caplan, author of “Rwanda: The Preventable
Genocide” and founder of Remembering Rwanda