In Detour
and Access, François Jullien investigates the subtlety,
strategy, and production of meaning in ancient and modern Chinese
aesthetic texts and political events. Moving between the rhetorical
traditions of ancient Greece and China, Jullien attempts no simple
comparison between these two civilizations. Rather, he uses the
perspective provided by each to gain access to one culture considered
all too strange — “It’s all Chinese to me”
and to another whose strangeness has been eclipsed by the assumption
of its essential familiarity and originary position in Western civilization.
In Detour and Access, Jullien rereads the major texts
and authors of Chinese thought — The Book of Songs,
Confucius’s Analects, Mencius, and Lao Tse. He addresses
the question of oblique, indirect, and allusive meaning in order
to explore how literary and political techniques of detour give
access to a world of symbolization and truth not characterized by
simple modes of mimetic representation and static essentialism.
Working indirectly, favoring the allusive expression over the direct
one, the Chinese art of meaning appears as a complex mode of indication,
open to multiple perspectives and variations, infinitely adaptable
to situations and contexts. Concentrating on what is not said, or
what is only conveyed through other means — such as the distancing
produced by allusive poetic and political motifs — Jullien
traces the ideological and aesthetic benefits and costs of a rhetorical
strategy that lacks a fixed ontological perspective and absolute
Illuminating in its close textual readings, provocative and sophisticated
in its theoretical insights and political analyses, Detour and
Access provides a necessary refinement of ways of thinking
about Chinese strategies of meaning as yet unanalyzed in the Western
world. Also by this author:
In Praise of Blandness
The Propensity of Things: Toward a History of Efficacy in China Vital Nourishment: Departing from Happiness