This recent study by Christian Jambet explores the essential
elements of the philosophical system of Mullā Sadrā Shīrāzī,
an Iranian Shi‘ite of the
seventeenth century. The writings of Mullā Sadrā Shīrāzī (d.
1640) bear
witness to the divine revelation in every act of being, from
the most humble to the most eminent. More generally, Islamic
philosophy employs an ontology of the real that is important
to the destiny of metaphysics, an ontology that belongs to our
own universe of thought. Jambet’s brilliant study seeks
to make sense of this intuition of the real, nourished by the
Sufism of Ibn
al-‘Arabī, the philosophy of classical Islam, the
thought inherited from the Greeks, and the esoteric and mystical
dimension of Shi‘ism.
Mullā Sadrā saw the world as moving ceaselessly
in an uninterrupted
revolution of its substances, in which infinite existence breaks
through the successive boundaries of the sensible and the intelligible,
the mineral and the angelic. In a flourish of epiphanies, in the
multiplied mirror of bodies and souls, Mullā Sadrā perceived absolute divine liberty. Revealing freedom
in the metamorphosis of the believer and the sage, existence teaches the imitation
of the divine that can be seen “in its most beautiful form.” Reading
Mullā Sadrā reveals the nexus of politics, morality, liberty, and
order in his universe of thought — a universe, as Christian Jambet shows,
that is indispensable to our understanding of Islamic thought and spirituality.
“This...is not simply an antiquarian passion. It is a matter of
discovering not an old and worn-out artifact but rather what Islam says
about being as being. It is also a matter of knowing what Islam says about
its own being, its own decision concerning being.... It is a matter of
understanding the ontology of Islam in both senses of the expression:
the doctrine of being that Islam slowly brought to completion, and that
which constitutes the being of Islam itself, its ontological foundation.”
— from the preface to The Act of Being