In this
remarkable work, anthropologist Françoise Héritier
charts the incest prohibition throughout history, from the strict
decrees of Leviticus to modern civil codes. Through close and subtle
readings, Héritier exposes the frequent, but often overlooked,
elaborations concerning what she calls a secondary type of incest,
namely, the prohibition of two close blood relatives engaging in
sexual intercourse with a third person. Héritier not only
understands this phenomenon to be as universal as the more classical
“first” type of incest banning sexual relations between
certain blood relatives. She advances the controversial thesis that
the first type may indeed be an outgrowth of the secondary type
of incest, once it is understood properly as the transfer of bodily
fluids in a love triangle of sexual partners, two of whom are related
to each other.
Héritier pursues this analysis with erudition and brilliance,
through the classical ethnographies as well as the classical civilizations
and religions of Rome, Greece, Asia Minor, and Islam. Drawing on
her own fieldwork in West African societies where the bans against
two sisters are particularly stringent, Héritier fashions
a complex “mechanics of fluids” in which blood, milk,
and semen form the basis for kinship and prohibition. Her theories,
based on the identity and opposition of fluids and essences, expose
the connections between the social, the natural, and the bodily,
shedding new light on the complexities of kinship theory.
“This is a fascinating book, full of detail and example.”
— Times Literary Supplement
“... erudite, solid, and well-composed.... the English translation
is excellent.”
— The Journal of Sexology