inaugural double issue examines the physical, political, and perceptual
transformations redefining the contemporary city.
These transformations are explored through historical studies of
transformations in the urban system, through theoretical essays
which map out the evolution of related social and economic structures
(such as, the state, the family, and the factory), and through experimental
art projects and critical dossiers.
Some of the many contributors to this issue include: Christopher
Alexander, John Baldessari, Gilles Deleuze, Peter Eisenman, Rem
Koolhaas, William Labov, Michael Piore, and Paul Virilio.
“The journal’s structure echoes an aleatory chart of
the city, fusing the visual syntax of the extended photo essay,
the artist’s book, and the cinema, for example, of Jean-Luc
— Afterimage
“...marks a new and critical understanding of the concept
of urban space.”
— Columbus Dispatch
“This big, internationalist dramatization of urbanism is
a map of a public time and place — here, now.”
— The Village Voice