What is
needed for something new to appear? According to Gilles Deleuze,
one of the most brilliant of contemporary philosophers, this question
of “novelty” is the major problem posed by Bergson’s
work. In Bergsonism, Deleuze demonstrates both the development
and the range of three fundamental Bergsonian concepts: duration,
memory, and the élan vital.
A perfect companion book to Bergson’s Matter and Memory,
Bergsonism is also of particular interest to students of Deleuze’s
own work, influenced as it is by Bergson. Given his texts on Nietzsche,
Kafka, and cinema, this book by Deleuze is essential to his English-reading
audience. The paperback contains a new afterword prepared by the
author especially for this English-language edition.
“This translation of Bergsonism is an important,
welcome addition to the English-speaking philosophical community.
Deleuze elucidates and facilitates our comprehension of Bergson’s
original, fascinating, but difficult metaphysical idea that reality
should be understood not in terms of space, but only in terms of
time.... This book, as original and concise as it is comprehensive,
will serve as an excellent introduction for those interested in
the philosophy of Bergson.”
— Small Press Also by this author:
Expressionism in Philosophy: Spinoza
Pure Immanence: Essays on a Life