This volume
of ZONE explores the ongoing convergence of what were once the distinct
worlds of the machine and the organism. Incorporations,
through essays, image-text projects, photographic dossiers, and
philosophical and scientific articles, examines the increasing breakdown
of the boundaries between biology and technology and the social,
cultural, and political effects of this merging. Incorporations
is about the diverse ways in which human beings are integrated into
larger systems and processes of social and technological organization,
and the many ways in which the very meaning of the word “life”
has been reconfigured. In its heterogeneous approach, ZONE 6 provides
a rich cartographic description of the particular capacities and
trajectories of contemporary biotechnic arrangements — drawing
on the work of neurologists, anthropologists, filmmakers, architects,
philosophers, historians, biologists, dancers, novelists, and artists.
Contributors include Paul Rabinow, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Francisco
Varela, J.G. Ballard, Klaus Theweleit, Diller and Scofidio, John
O’Neill, Félix Guattari, Ana Barrado, Donna Haraway,
Leif Finkel, Paul Virilio, and Peter Eisenman.
“... a dauntingly intelligent collection.”
— American Book Review